Products History丨 4 key points of chest target training, make your attack sharp

Issuing time:2020-04-03 10:59

Products History丨 4 key points of chest target training, make your attack sharp

chest target as a boxer training boxing equipment is now more and more used by the target, but due to some detailed problems, it is not easy to get started, so we wrote an article on chest target I hope to help everyone better use the breast target.


First of all, one thing you need to understand is that chest targets, like hand targets, are a tool for coaches to improve boxing skills. The difference is that chest targets can make the boxer's offensive technology more three-dimensional and complete


During thoracic target training, the area hit by the boxer is generally divided into four areas: the left spleen, the right liver, the middle chest, and the abdomen. Pure chest training

Straight boxing techniques used with hand targets

1. Forehand strikes the head and forehand strikes the abdomen;

2. Forehand hit the abdomen and forehand hit the head;

3. Hit the head with the front hand and hit the belly with the back hand;

4. 1-2 hit the abdomen with your hand before hitting the head;

5, 1-2 hit the head before hitting the abdomen, then hit the head with the back.


Use straight and swing techniques with hand targets


Use hand, target, and strike techniques in combination with hand targets


Complete hand target and thoracoabdominal target striking technique

Kangrui new chest target